the author
the author

Stef Smulders, born in Leiden in 1960, emigrated to Italy in 2008 with his husband Nico and dog Saar to start B&B Villa I Due Padroni. He sold his house, left behind family and friends, and took a leap into the unknown. In 2014, Stef documented his experiences in the book Italiaanse Toestanden. In 2017 it was translated into English with the title Living in Italy: The Real Deal. The book's positive reception encouraged Stef to continue writing about everyday life in Italy. This led to the publication of two more sequels and most recently, the book Het Echte Italiƫ, which is about to be published in English as well. In addition, Stef published a collection of humorous short stories in the anthology Bezoekuur.

On this website, you will find all the information about these books, excerpts, photos, previews, ordering information, and the opportunity to contact the author directly!

Pavia station

Published work by Stef Smulders

Italiaanse Toestanden
Meer Italiaanse Toestanden
Nog Meer Italiaanse Toestanden
Het echte Italie